Anton Kholomiov
2013-07-09 06:34:29 UTC
So it happened. On the open air near the place of intersection of two
Csound part is too quiet on the record but audible.
What's interesting about the csound part:
- only just intonation
- strange modes: 1 is myxolydian and 3 is phrygian
- 3 rythm is 14/8
- csound files were generated from haskell code (with csound-expression lib)
csound + djembe +
1 - bamboo transverse flute, recorder, vocals
2 - csound is used as a wind
3 - native american flute
4 - bamboo flute alone
I'm playing flutes, guitar, vocals and my firends on african drums.
Csound part is too quiet on the record but audible.
What's interesting about the csound part:
- only just intonation
- strange modes: 1 is myxolydian and 3 is phrygian
- 3 rythm is 14/8
- csound files were generated from haskell code (with csound-expression lib)
csound + djembe +
1 - bamboo transverse flute, recorder, vocals
2 - csound is used as a wind
3 - native american flute
4 - bamboo flute alone
I'm playing flutes, guitar, vocals and my firends on african drums.