Haskell Media
2012-08-06 01:37:21 UTC
I've been reading conflicting things about Haskell being a language
suitable for DSP.
It's my understanding that a language needs to be designed for real-time
from the bottom up at the very beginning of the language design stage. I
know Paul Hudak was one of the designers of Haskell and he designed
Is Haskell really *hard* real-time? If not is it practically hard real-time?
What's the difference between soft and hard as far as designing your own
UGens are concerned? Does it matter?
Is it possible for a DSL to be hard real-time, but Haskell not be hard
Is reactive-banana hard real-time?
I've been reading conflicting things about Haskell being a language
suitable for DSP.
It's my understanding that a language needs to be designed for real-time
from the bottom up at the very beginning of the language design stage. I
know Paul Hudak was one of the designers of Haskell and he designed
Is Haskell really *hard* real-time? If not is it practically hard real-time?
What's the difference between soft and hard as far as designing your own
UGens are concerned? Does it matter?
Is it possible for a DSL to be hard real-time, but Haskell not be hard
Is reactive-banana hard real-time?